At DreamRoom we have opted for a Collaborative Model as a solution for the needs of entrepreneurs. Collaborative Model is part of DreamRoom’s commitment: linking different groups, in such a way that the need of each one is covered by the interaction between the different communities.
This, besides an innovative business model and the use of the most cutting-edge technologies, has allowed us to design an ecosystem where all the needs of entrepreneurs are satisfied, without having to make financial outlays.
Would you like to follow us in the trip we did and the discoveries we were making?
Welcome to the birth of an idea: DreamRoom Project
The beginning of the trip
More than a year ago we entered the world of entrepreneurship. Since then, some of our ideas have been refuted, while others have been reinforced. One of them was the difficulty of tackling increasingly complex projects, building ideas that combine different technologies and that require varied profiles. Our initial approach was that there were two ways to focus this type of new ideas and projects:
- through large corporations, with the capacity to mobilize the necessary technological, organizational and economic resources and unite them in R&D&I programs,
- through collaborative models that join the efforts of individuals, allowing the sum of their initiatives, knowledge and resources to become a breeding ground in which any new idea can germinate, develop and become viable projects and companies that add value to our society.
Our initial approach has been reinforced as we have penetrated the entrepreneurial ecosystem: launching an idea requires so many pillars that doing it from the isolated position of the entrepreneur is almost unfeasible: getting to combine technical knowledge, access to those who have the experience in order to incorporate them into the project, access to the tools, methodologies and best practices to launch a project and have the organizational and economic resources to achieve it is, today, a daunting task .
At that moment we asked ourselves 5 simple questions:

Follow us to discover the answers as we did
DreamRoom Team ©DreamRoom2022